Bhabha University
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Department of Computer Science & Engineering


Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Computer Science and Engineering provides an outstanding research environment complemented by excellence in teaching. Computer Science Engineering is to develop better computing solutions for practical problems.

It is in the form of making new products, or theoretical developments that provide the basis for newer classes of solutions, better hardware, collaboration software, system software, embedded software, etc. Every computer falls under the preview of computer science engineering which is in the network applications, social media platforms, knowledge management system, system software and the list is unending.

The department's mission is to advance, evolve and enhance Computer Science and Engineering fundamentals to build the intellectual capital of the society. The CSE Department Endeavour’s to be an important regional, national, and international resource center for the development of Computing and its applications, emphasizes the basics of computer programming and networking, comprises a plethora of topics. The said topics are related to computation, algorithms, programming languages, program design, computer software, computer hardware, etc.

Computer Science Engineers are involved in many aspects of computing, from the design of individual microprocessors, personal computers, and supercomputers to circuit designing and writing software that powers them.

The Department’s research activities have been funded by several Government organizations such as Department of Science & Technology (DST), Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeiTY), and Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO); and by several industries including Accenture, Amazon, Google, Hitachi, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, and Tata Power Corporation. Several of our alumni hold important positions in the industry and academia worldwide. Students have been recently placed, both in India and abroad, in several leading national and international companies including Apple, Flipkart, Goldman Sachs, Google, IBM, Juniper, Microsoft, Oracle, PayPal, Samsung, Uber, and Visa. Many Ph.D. graduates are serving as faculty members.

Bhabha CSE FDP

M.Tech students best performance